Improve your Bradford Protein and Western Blot workflow with OHAUS laboratory equipment

Both, Bradford Protein Assay and Western Blot are important for labs working with proteins. Bradford Protein Assay is used to determine protein concentration within a given solution while Western Blot is one of the most common laboratory procedures used to determine both protein size and expression levels.

Bradford Assay involves Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 dye, which causes a colour change when interacting with the sample under certain conditions. This colour change can then be correlated with a numerical value through an absorbance reader. Bradford Assays are a common practice as they are both rapid and highly sensitive.

Western blot relies primarily on both a denaturation of the proteins as well as gel electrophoresis. Opened protein structures will move through an electrically charged, porous gel, over a short period of time. Larger proteins will generally not move as far as smaller structures, hence isolating different proteins based on size.
When using Bradford Assay and Western Blot procedures it is essential to stick to a strict schedule to ensure proper sample preparation. With nearly 100 years' experience on the market OHAUS is able to support you with state of the art equipment you can trust. Basing our history on our weighing portfolio we have stepped forward and decided to extend our support for laboratories worldwide with a laboratory equipment portfolio including among others Vortexes, Shakers and Centrifuges that are suitable for multiple laboratory applications.

Together with OHAUS we realize the importance of the Bradford Protein & Western Blot, we have worked with laboratory specialists to develop a standardized Bradford Protein & Western Blot protocols on which we have based a choice of products from our portfolio that could best answer the needs of a modern laboratory. Today we offer you a special deal on a choice of products specially dedicated for Bradford Protein & Western Blot purposes. Visit below links and learn more!

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Contact us today for more information info@fitzlabs.ie   |    Tel: +353 (0) 87 343 1487 or +353 (0) 87 738 5011